Most of us think of February in the context of Valentine’s Day and as the month of love. I contend that for Rotarians, every month is a month of love. Every month, Rotarians reach out to their communities and share their hearts, their time, their spirit, their wealth, their skills and expertise, with others – whether it be fellow club members or family of club members, or others somewhere on this big Planet Earth.
There is much happening across the district, from drive-through crab feeds, new coat drives, backpack programs that feed hungry kids, to partnering with Boys & Girls Clubs, and so much more. Many have asked whether we plan to hold Speech and/or Music Contests across the 13 Areas and at the District level. The answer is YES for those clubs and areas willing to try something new. YES, the local contests will either have to be held socially distanced or virtually and at the District level it will be virtual. We have overcome so many obstacles already; don’t the youth in all our communities deserve the opportunity to develop their skill sets, compete in these contests, and win a little cash? I encourage all of you to support our speech and music contests wherever possible.
February also begins what we call “MidYear Visits”. This is one of our District’s traditions, where the District Governor (that’s me) and the District Governor Elect (Anita Daniels), along with the Assistant Governor, meet with the Club Presidents and Presidents Elect of each Area. Since we have 13 Areas, we will hold 13 MidYear Visits between now and hopefully the end of May. Most of these will be Zoom, I presume. This tradition is one of the things that promotes continuity of leadership from year to year in our clubs and at the District level. Often, the MidYear Visits coincide with Area Foundation Dinners. It will be up the Assistant Governors and Clubs how to handle that this year. If we need to be virtual, let’s do that! Our donors to the Rotary Foundation still deserve acknowledgement and appreciation and we all should be aware of the good works done by our Rotary Foundation here and around the world.
Speaking of leadership, just a few weeks back in January, PDG Gail Ellingwood and I began a series of “open conversations” about leadership – leadership in general as well as leadership in Rotary or in other situations: work, church, or family. It is open for everyone who is interested in learning, especially from each other. Our first conversation kicked off with lots of high energy and participation. Our next calls will be on February 9 and February 24. Join in! Go to for the schedule.
Also speaking of leadership, we have a very exciting opportunity to connect with RI President Nominee Jennifer Jones on Saturday morning, 2/13, at 9 am, as she shares her view of finding joy in our Rotary JOurneYs. It’s free. Bring a guest! Register at . Let’s show her our support. That’s love! Check out the flyer/video be
When I think of the dedication of so many Rotarians across the District, I am humbled. Volunteers. Doing radical good works. Hearts of Service. Hearts on Fire. When I searched online for that phrase “hearts on fire”, a myriad of images popped up, a page full of dazzling, shimmering designs, some whimsical, some intense, some simple, some complex. That’s who WE are: a shimmering, dazzling display of unique individuals who come together to do amazing things in the name of service.
Steve Farber, bestselling author of “The Radical Leap” and “Love is Just Damn Good Business”, believes that as leaders, you should “do what you love in the service of people who love what you do”. An excerpt from the description about his book says:
• Identify your passions―and share them with others
• Create a culture of love at work―and spark innovation, productivity, and joy
• Serve your customers, so they love how you treat them―and have them coming back for more
• Invest time in making personal connections―that are mutually rewarding
• Focus on serving the needs of others―they’re going to love it
• Do what you love―and make it your business, so others love it, too
Hmmmm. Sounds like Rotary, doesn’t it? When we make membership meaningful and fun, when we serve our communities, and then tell our Rotary stories about the joy we get when we give joy to others through service, we attract others to our clubs, we build deep relationships with our fellow members, and we tend to stay in our clubs, wanting to continue to serve in new ways. What’s more, those around us watch us, they see what we do, and they love us and support us, as a result. Through love, we GROW Rotary. And by the way, CONGRATULATIONS to the 16 clubs (28% of our district) that have GROWN their membership. Awesome!
Because COVID continues, we must continue to be safe and respectful. That is love. Yes, we may have to continue meeting remotely or socially distanced from one another, but for now, that is love. How we interact and communicate, how we rise to the occasion of these difficulties, how we innovate and find creative ways to help our communities, that is love. Continuing to strive toward the accomplishment of our current goals, as well as looking ahead to plan and prepare for the following year is also love. Participating in continuous learning and being involved in special events, that is love. Through love, we strengthen Rotary.
Maybe it’s true that “love is all you need” … and not just in February. Rotarian hearts on fire, hearts of service, enjoying our JOurneYs along the way.
- District Governor, Roberta "Berta" Pickett
Check Out The Downlaod: a District 5190 Podcast
Tune in, on your time, to get all the district news.
Episodes are archived on the District website. You can also subscribe to the show on your favorite listening app (Spotify, Google Play, Apple Podcasts), or check out each episode when it's posted to all the District social media platforms (LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook).
You'll hear all kinds of great things on the show and experience the District in a whole new way.
LATEST EPISODE: holiday frivolity :)
If you don't know how to subscribe to a podcast, email Shauna Ganes and she will help you! E:
Happy listening!
P.S. Have an idea for an episode? Contact Shauna Ganes at and let her know.
The Rotary Club of Reno gave a donation of $55,000 was presented last week to the Eddy House for kitchen improvements to continue serving homeless and at-risk youth. The improvements will help teach youth how to cook -- an important life skill -- and distribute meals during the Coronavirus pandemic. Eddy House works with homeless and at-risk youth to develop life and job skills necessary for sustainable independence. Its objective is to end youth homelessness in Northern Nevada.
“Our Rotary Club is very focused on helping challenged youth and making a difference in our community,” said Tom Young, president of the Rotary Club of Reno. “Our entire membership voted to support this project and we’re looking forward to its completion and helping where we can,” he added.
The donation of $55,000 will also create separate dining and distribution areas for “in-house” clients who are participating in services and “street” drop-in youth. This will allow for the safe distribution of meals and reduction of risk of transmitting COVID-19.
“We are over the moon excited about this support from the Rotary Club of Reno,” said Diaz Dixon, CEO of the Eddy House. “This kitchen upgrade will give us the ability to do so much more and decrease the food insecurity issues with our youth experiencing homelessness. We cannot thank Rotary enough for this partnership,” he added.
Eddy House’s main facility is at 888 Willow St. in central Reno and is the only agency serving at-risk and homeless youth aged 18-24.
Million Dollar Bequest Society Campaign
Rotary’s tomorrow depends on what we Rotarians do today. A poignant message from past RI President Arch Klumph, who had the inspiring vision back in 1916-17 to create a ‘Rotary Endowment Fund’ to do good in the world.
Our Rotary Foundation’s Bequest Society allows Rotarians from around the world the unique opportunity to continue doing good in the world well beyond our lifetime. By making a simple pledge today (via your estate plans) of a future gift of $10,000 or more to our Foundation’s Endowment Fund, you become an active member of the Bequest Society, whereby you can custom design your own legacy of hope for generations to come. Additionally, as a new member, the Trustees of our Foundation are pleased to share their gratitude by recognizing your future gift today at the appropriate recognition level. What a wonderful way for you and your family to continue Making Dreams Real through our Rotary Foundation!
To help secure our Foundation’s future well into the future, members of District 5190’s Foundation Committee are kicking off a new Bequest Society campaign to raise One Million Dollars in new pledges to our Foundation’s Endowment Fund by the end of this Rotary Year!
During the month of January, all of our existing Bequest Society members here in District 5190 were advised of this new campaign and some have already made a renewed pledge to increase their previous commitment, or in some cases, have actually moved up to a higher recognition level!
We want to give every Rotarian here in District 5190 an opportunity to become part of this successful campaign by joining the Bequest Society. It’s simple and so easy to do. Just click on the following link: Leave A Legacy of Hope to download ‘Your Rotary Legacy’ brochure and commitment form and then mail it to Rotary International (address is on the form). Or, just e-mail me at: or call my cell at (775-720-5092) and I’ll help walk you through the steps. It’s just that simple and I’m confident that you too will feel the JOY of leaving your own Rotary Legacy!
Our District Foundation team will be hosting an informative ‘Fireside’ via Zoom on Thursday evening, February 25th at 5:30 p.m. PST to review in more detail the features and benefits of becoming a new Bequest Society member. Just click on this link to register: Bequest Society 'Fireside'
Upon the Foundation’s notification to me of your recent enrollment into the Bequest Society (before 30, June), I’m very much looking forward to formally inviting you to join me and others from our District who helped make this new 2021 Million Dollar Bequest Society Campaign such a huge and overwhelming success at an upcoming celebration dinner to be announced later in the year!
On behalf of District Governor ‘Berta’ Pickett, District Rotary Foundation Committee Chair, PDG Wyn Spiller and our entire Foundation team, but especially those collective Rotary Foundation beneficiaries from around the world, thank you for considering my invitation.
Finally, I can’t thank you enough for your ongoing commitment to Rotary and especially for your continued support of Your Foundation, My Foundation, Our Foundation, truly Our Legacy of Hope!
Connect with District 5190 on Social Media
Want to stay up to date on all the happenings? Follow the District on social media. The District has profiles on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Be sure to follow/like on the platforms you follow, so you'll get all the District updates in your feed. The District Public Image Committee will be featuring no only District news, but also outstanding Rotarians and community partners; successful fundraisers; tips on best practices, membership retention/attraction ideas; and more.
Our goal is to make the information coming from the District timely, relevant and valuable to every member of District 5190.
If you have content you'd like shared, click here for the submission form.
Updates from Cap City Passport Club of Carson City
Despite COVID and the partial shut-down we have been able to volunteer and fundraise in our community. In July we collaborated with Nevada’s Retired & Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) in handing out Farmer’s Market coupons. The coupon book allowed eligible seniors to attend Carson City’s Farmers Market and buy fresh produce.
Zooming forward to October, our next adventure led us to Carson City’s Parks, Recreation and Outdoor spaces Boo-nanza. Our booths were socially distanced as we passed out Halloween candy to over 1100 participants. Local families drove up to our booth and we handed out candy in costumes with masks and gloves on! It was quite an adventure as people waited in line up to 2 ½ hours to enter Centennial Park’s line to get to the booths. The Christmas decorations afforded us a wide variety of bells to augment our booth’s decorations for next year {We look forward to improving the Halloween booth and participating next year
November found us undercover in the late afternoon sun “flocking” in Caughlin Ranch! Yes! Flocking is back. Flocking is a fun event to raise donations where a yard suddenly and mysteriously is filled with a flock of migrating plastic flamingos. If you are interested in “decorating” a friend’s yard contact Lisa Hollenbeck for prices and details. ( Or click the link for our flyer. Flocking A Friend Order FormYou've Been Flocked
Please note that our sign has our former name...a new one is in progress.
Passing out candy at
Flamingo flocking in Caughlin Ranch
Bats in the Belfry at BOO-nanza
Global Grant Scholarship Candidates Sought
Global Grant Scholarships provide up to $32,000 to offset the cost of graduate study for no less than one and no more than four years of study in a foreign country. The sponsoring club will need to contribute $2000 and be qualified to sponsor a global grant. The scholar’s area of study, professional goals and previous work or volunteer experience, must strongly align with one of Rotary International’s Seven Areas of Focus”:
Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution
Disease Prevention and Treatment
Water and Sanitation
Maternal and Child Health
Basic Education and Literacy
Economic and Community Development
Supporting the Environment
The ideal candidate will “demonstrate a long-term commitment to measurable, sustainable change” and have concrete ideas for advancing in his or her chosen field. Further, the ideal candidate will possess excellent leadership skills and potential for further growing in leadership and will be familiar with Rotary projects and meetings. The candidate will have excelled in academics and/or a vocation. The candidate will present himself professionally and show a commitment to community service. The candidate will also have realistic well-defined goals, follow The Four-Way Test and be conscientious about meeting deadlines. A Global Grant Scholar cannot be a Rotarian, spouse or a lineal descendant of a Rotarian or a person employed by a Rotary club, District or Rotary International.
Applications are due to the District by April 30, 2021. The District will hold interviews in May. For more information, click here.
Area 7 Update – Amador County, CA
Greetings from beautiful Amador County, California, where even a pandemic cannot keep good Rotarians down!
We have come together this year more than ever before to ensure the needs of our community are met during this extraordinary time. In October, our World Polio Day fundraiser saw members of all 5 clubs take to the streets and collected over $882 for the End Polio Now campaign. Additionally, all 5 clubs continued to make donations to the local Interfaith Food Bank, ensuring the neediest of all were fed.
Locally, Passport to Amador and Plymouth-Foothills partnered together to win a District Grant (Passport to Amador’s first!) to help renovate the rural Fiddletown Fire Station so it can be staffed full time – providing desperately needed emergency medical and fire response to hundreds in the area.
Internationally, the Rotary Clubs of Ione and Plymouth-Foothills partnered together to send $1,000 to a young Rotarian in Guatemala, which was used to purchase and distribute food to the indigenous community there. Thanks to the magic of Zoom, they were even able to see and hear about the progress of the project directly from Rotarians on the ground there!
Our clubs have also thrived individually this year, here are a few highlights-
The Rotary Club of Jackson used a District Grant to revive the historic Kennedy Mine, installing security gates and fencing work at three entrances to Kennedy Mine. They expect to have the other two entrances upgraded by March. As always, Jackson Rotarians continue to surpass expectations with their generosity. They expect to meet their 100% sustaining membership goal and lead the district with 13 members in the newly created Polio Plus society.
The Rotary Club of Plymouth-Foothills surpassed all expectations when they raised over $12,000 for the Alzheimer’s Association in honor of a member’s spouse and created a team in the “Walk to End Alzheimer’s.” They even earned the “Newbie of the Year” award from the Alzheimer’s Association! They also initiated the RAW (Rotarians at Work) Program, working with Rotarian-owned restaurants to fill the times when their business was slow or non-existent, by holding monthly socially distanced socials and purchasing meals there. The meals were also available as take-out for those Rotarians who could not meet in person.
The Rotary Club of Amador Upcountry continues to be the small club that does! They began the year by completing last year’s District Grant project – installing new benches at the Mollie Joyce Park in Pioneer – and began to develop their current District Grant project, a dog park in Pioneer. Despite the pandemic, they continued their annual traditions of gifting dictionaries to the local elementary schools and recently hosted their 35th annual Crab Feed fundraiser, pivoting it to a “Drive-Thru” format. Upcountry Rotarians also managed to find time to collect and distribute necessities to troops in Afghanistan and form a team for the Walk to End Alzheimer’s.
The Rotary Club of Ione has not missed a beat this year, continuing to move forwards and grow Rotary. They have inducted 6 new members thus far, with 3 more waiting in the wings. They are currently using a District Grant to provide vehicle screenings, repair work, and care baskets to victims of domestic violence at a local, Ione Rotarian-owned business. It is their utmost hope that the financial assistance and care reminds the recipients (identified by the local Operation Care organization) that they are not alone, and the community supports them.
Our youngest club, the Rotary Club of Passport to Amador continues to evolve enthusiastically and find its footing within the larger Rotary Community. Their unique structure allows for flexibility anyways, so when the usual indoor meetings were no longer safe, they took their meetings outside on what became a rotating "park picnic tour" of the county. While they look forward to the start of their first District Grant project with Plymouth-Foothills in March, they have also inducted three members into the Polio Plus Society, gained two new members, and collected dozens of toys for the Fiddletown Help for the Holidays event for local needy children. This year also saw the start of their “Wine Down with Rotary” bi-monthly zoom series. These short, 30-minute online meetings feature Rotarians from our District speaking on a faucet of Rotary International. They are intentionally later in the evening to members to finish their evening chores and obligations and “wind down” their evening by learning about Rotary. Past guests have included PDG Dave Bianchi and District International Service Chair Carolyn Feuille.
The Rotaract Club of Amador’s main project has been the Feminine Hygiene Project, an effort to provide free menstrual products to girls in middle school and high school in our area. We are continuously raising money for this project, and are collaborating to find new ways to provide these products to girls during distant learning. Otherwise, we have been trying to stay in touch and sane during these crazy times.
dog park work
grant recipients
grant recipients
end Alzheimer's walk
outdoor meeting
mine work day
News from Area 2 – When You’re Only Area 2, You Try Harder!
There is a lot of news that fit to print out of Area 2. Those Rotarians have been REALLY busy! Click here for all the amazing stories from the Rotary Clubs of Portola, Quincy, and Greenville!
Welcome new Rotarian, Dr. Hannah Mirrashed.
President John issues a scholarship to Greenville High School student Shasta Banchio.
Christmas Eve meals delivered by Quincy Rotarians.
We closed our District Grants for 2019-20 in early January! A huge thank you to our clubs who persevered to complete impactful projects despite the challenges of the pandemic. Congratulations to all!
Please click here to see the projects that were developed and delivered by our Clubs, meeting a wide variety of needs within our communities, both here at home and in other parts of the world. Not only will you be proud, you will be inspired!
District Grant funding is still available for 2020-21. Assess the needs in your community, consider what you can do effectively, create a plan and apply for a District Grant! Counting both grants funded those in progress, there are over $48,000 available!
Grants are our vehicle but giving is the engine. Gifts to the Annual Fund provide the funds for our District Block Grant and for the matches for Global Grants, leveraging Club dollars. When we give to the Annual Fund, we become part of the literally thousands of projects doing good throughout the world.
A few Giving Highlights so far this year.
Congratulations to The Rotary Club of Tahoe City - our newest 100% Paul Harris Fellow Club!
Congratulations to the Rotary Club of Elko Desert Sunrise - achieving both the 100% Every Rotarian Every Year and 100% Foundation Giving Banners!
Congratulations to the top 3 Clubs in Annual Fund Per Capita Giving!
#1 Sparks Centennial Sunrise $374.17
#2 Bishop Sunrise $310.91
#3 Reno Cental $255.22
27 Rotarians joined Rotary Direct or increased their current contribution! Thank you one and all!
As Winston Churchill noted, ‘We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.’
Thank you for making a difference.
RALLYE 2021 is coming! Hopefully it will be in-person and we can have a weekend full of fellowship and learning. Check the website for updated information as the date approaches.