TRF: Paul Harris Society
The Paul Harris Society (PHS), named for the founder of Rotary, was established in Rotary District 5190 in 2002 to recognize our District's annual supporters of The Rotary Foundation. The Society's growing membership includes well over 200 Rotarians, family members, and friends who have each committed to give $1,000 or more annually to The Rotary Foundation's Annual Fund, PolioPlus or an approved global grant.
Rotarians and friends who wish to support The Rotary Foundation in this substantial way can become members of the Paul Harris Society by signing up via Pledge Form (link below) or online on the RI Website or by contacting the Rotary Support Center by phone 1-866-976-8279 or email.
The PHS Recognition "Flag" is shown above attached to the Rotary International member pin.
- Polio Eradication
- District Grants to fund projects in our own region
- Global Grants to support humanitarian projects around the globe
- Scholarships to further international understanding
- Rotary World Peace Fellowships
- A membership certificate recognizing your commitment to The Rotary Foundation. Recognition is normally awarded at a Rotary event of suitable importance, or as you may request.
- A cloisonné Paul Harris Society "flag" to be worn in conjunction with a Paul Harris Fellowship pin (see photo). Unlike most Rotary recognition pins that may be worn for life, the PHS flag is to be displayed only by those who have made or pledged a qualifying gift in the current year.
- The funding of a new Paul Harris Fellowship each year using accumulated recognition points.
- The eventual attainment of "Major Donor" recognition for $10,000 cumulative lifetime support of The Rotary Foundation.
- Fellowship with other Society members who share your degree of support for such an important cause.
- An invitation for you and your guests to our annual gala dinner, typically held in April on the Friday evening before the District Assembly and Leadership Training Program.
- Fellowship at other Rotary events throughout the year. (Major Donors and Bequest Society members are also invited to many of our events).
- The timing of your $1,000 or more annual gift is at your discretion. It may be made at any time between July 1 and June 30 and may be made in a lump sum or in multiple transactions.
- Membership in the Paul Harris Society may be as brief as one year, but usually continues annually as long as you wish to continue at the selected level of support for the Foundation. A member is entitled to continue wearing the "PHS" recognition pin flag in every year in which the qualifying support is made.
- Members who elect not to continue PHS Society membership in any year may return another year when ready to resume support of The Rotary Foundation at that level.
- Paul Harris Society membership is a non-binding commitment. It is rather a statement of intent to support The Rotary Foundation. Rotarians are known for their integrity. Your word or handshake is all it takes to become a member of the Paul Harris Society.
PDG Helaine Campbell (Bruce)
Nursing Administration - Retired
Rotary Club of Sparks